
With the profits from the sale of African-madeproducts, Project Possible will secure a building and machinery to establish asmall factory in rural Louisiana.

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Support Sustainability and Employment

The Project Possible's profits from the sale of African-made products will contribute to securing building and machinery to establish a small factory in rural Louisiana.

Our micro factory will produce sustainable products while providing employment opportunities for community members.

The individuals hired to operate the factory will be local members of the community.

Building Micro Factories to Create Sustainable Items

Sugar_Cane Stalks

Repurposed sugarcane waste

Our micro factories will repurpose sugarcane waste into biodegradable tableware, including straws, cups, and to-go containers. We aim to not only reduce waste but also stimulate economic growth within the region.

Greening Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Our plan for sustainable Mardi Gras initiative includes recycling awareness campaigns aimed at reducing and eliminate single-use plastic. Our factory will craft sustainable Mardi Gras throws to localize an industry that spends $500 million per year on toxic plastic imports. These items will be made from recycled newspaper, cardboard, plastic and will dazzle our parades and protect our environment.

Join us in parading for the environment!
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